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Summer Minyan info:

July 5th - August 31st

Friday evenings Kabbalat Shabbat 8:15 pm


10:00 am -  Services begin

11:00 am - Torah reading

11:30 am - Rabbi's Sermon

12:15 pm - Kiddush Luncheon


Weekday Minyan

We're happy to host a minyan at Chabad! The prime weeks are right after 9 Av, from August 14 to 30, 2024.

Now, we totally get it – our Valley is huge, and lodging is all over the place. Sometimes, folks have the best intentions, but once they see the lay of the land, with hotels, Chabad, Glacier NP, and all, plans might take a turn.

We're doing our best to make the minyan happen, but it's a team effort (takes ten, you know!) and depends on having enough interested visitors.

Got questions? Feel free to give us a shout.

7:30 AM Shacharis

8:15 PM Mincha/Maariv


Please call Rabbi Shneur Wolf the week of to confirm @ 406-885-2541

We can only confirm a minyan close to the date if people indicate their intent to join in advance.

We have a Minyan Whats app group to conveniently inform everyone if there are enough participants to make a minyan. Click here to join the group