Unfortunately at this time, we do not have a set Kosher take out option and stores in the area do not have kosher meats. A great choice for kosher meats is koshermeatstore.com. They have 1 or 2 day shipping to anywhere in the U.S. We are happy to hold your order in our freezers (space permitting) until you arrive (max 4 days). Please call us in advance.
Shabbos takeout is a case by case basis. Call us for inquiries.
Click on the image above to visit their website.
For a full selection of Kosher wines, visit kosherwine.com
-Pretzilla Buns are in and out of stock
Please Note: Walmart Brand Bagels are NOT pas yisroel
- Small selection of non mevushal and mevushal kosher wines
- Davidovitch pas yisroel bagels (frozen)
Third Street Market in Whitefish and Natural Grocers in Kalispell
Davidovitch Frozen Pas Yisroel Bagels